Texas State Representative, Jessica Farrar, filed Texas House Bill 4260: “Relating to the regulation of men’s health and safety; creating a civil penalty for unregulated masturbatory emissions.”

Yes, you read that right.

This is the Man’s Right to Know Act and it serves as an important counterpoint to the Texas Women’s Right to Know Act. The Women’s Right to Know Act mandates that women considering abortion be given information at least 24-hours prior to abortion that, among other egregious things, contains medical warnings that are not supported by medical research.

The stated purpose of HB 4260, Man’s Right to Know Act:

“The purpose of this chapter is to express the state’s interest in promoting men’s health; ensure Texas men experience safe and healthy elective vasectomies, Viagra utilizations, colonoscopies procedures, and men’s health experiences; ensure a doctor’s right to invoke their personal, moralistic, or religious beliefs in refusing to perform an elective vasectomy or prescribe Viagra; and promote fully-abstinent sexual relations or occasional masturbatory emissions inside health care and medical facilities, as a means of the healthiest way to ensure men’s health.”

Here’s the deal:

Jessica Farrar, the bill’s author, said: “A lot of people find the bill funny… What’s not funny are the obstacles that Texas women face every day, that were placed there by legislatures making it very difficult for them to access healthcare.”

Nonetheless, she persisted.

“The time comes when silence is betrayal. That time has come for us today……some of us who have already begun to break the silence of the night have found that the calling to speak is often a vocation of agony, but we must speak.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

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