
Having the Time of My Life — Adult Ice Skating

I am grateful for the opportunity to share my story of this sport that I love so dearly.

Read Having the Time of My Life – as an Adult Skater! here.

“Ice skating has taught me many things, but most importantly it’s taught me that it’s never too late to do what you want to do, become who you want to be.”

Thank you to ISI  (formerly known as Ice Skating Institute) for publishing my story and for supporting adult ice skaters. We are grateful!

30 Days of Gratitude – Day 30

I am grateful for these 30 Days of Gratitude posts… because being grateful is the magical ingredient to life. I’ve struggled the last few months―and in large part I had lost sight of my gratitude―for all that life is, for all we are. These posts helped me to reclaim a piece of it each day. Namaste-grateful.

I am grateful to the Universe for all that I am and for all that I have. I am grateful to all of my friends and family who love me and support me. I am grateful for my three beautiful cats (and Soc in heaven). I am grateful for ice skating, yoga, reading, writing, Lady Aurora Valentino, the various educational institutions who graduated me, yards o’ ale, 4 martini dinners, hot accents, hot tattoos, healed piercings, blue hair, Billie, one hell of a good time, and doing what makes for a better story.

30 Days of Gratitude – Day 29

I am grateful for random, inspirational water bottles left behind at the yoga studio.
Go forth with all of your Awesomeness!

30 Days of Gratitude – Day 28

I am grateful for Letting Go.

The perfect ponytail forever eludes me. And those perfect messy buns, too.

 “Like the perfect ponytail, let that shi*it go.”

30 Days of Gratitude – Day 26

I am grateful that for the past four years I have kicked off Thanksgiving morning with a run through downtown San Diego (and a beer garden!).

A friend invited me into his 5K tradition, which morphed into our 10K tradition.
We run to honor the fact that we can. Health is a Blessing beyond all measure.

He graciously slows to my pace, peppily hopping alongside me as I struggle to propel my body forward for 6.2 miles. I may not ooze joy when the 5:30a.m. alarm chimes, or in mile 5 when my hips are angry, or when I cut left to retch after the finish line―but I am deeply grateful for these runs.

Provided we are both present and able to continue the 10K Thanksgiving Badassery in 2018: IN.

30 Days of Gratitude – Day 25

I am grateful for the acts of kindness that help make life beautiful.


30 Days of Gratitude – Day 23

I am grateful for Friendsgiving. We are a group of transplants, and it is a Blessing to break bread together on Thanksgiving Day.

30 Days of Gratitude – Day 22

I am grateful for traditions.

30 Days of Gratitude – Day 21

I am grateful for the tiniest of Plato snores.

It’s too much – I think I have to wake him and kiss his grey face off.

30 Days of Gratitude – Day 20

I am grateful that 4 years ago today I passed ISI Delta, Gamma, and Freestyle 1 tests!

May the Adult Bronze Moves in the Field Skate Gods soon be with me!!

… because skating feeds my Soul.

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