Friends, I am a writer by day, improv actor by night, and a skater by every breath. Proud weirdo by Life.

Welcome to my writing portfolio! Please feel free to peruse. Sip some tea, pet a cat, slow down for a moment. Cheers!

Editor & Contributing Author 

100% of proceeds go to benefit Suicide Prevention & Survivor Support Programs from Survivors of Suicide Loss, a nonprofit charity.

Beyond Surviving: A Compilation of Stories from Survivors of Suicide Loss 100% of proceeds go to benefit Suicide Prevention & Survivor Support Programs from Survivors of Suicide Loss, a nonprofit charity.

Available in Paperback & Kindle on Amazon

Available for Nook on Barnes & Noble

Available for E-readers & Apple Devises on iTunes 

Snarky Writings on Badassery 

Writings on Grief & Healing

Sticks and Stones – Stick and stones may break my bones, but words can cut the deepest.

Taking A Step Beyond Surviving: Managing the Holidays

Writings on Business

Know Your Team: Leveraging Employee Personality Types

Note: I ghost write for a number of clients, as such, much of my work is confidential and cannot be shared. My portfolio links to works published under my own name or shared with permission. 

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