Celebrate your weird self. Fearlessly love what makes you happy. It is what makes you memorable.

Weird Heart Happy

I think we’re all a little weird. Some of us are a lot weird (frantically raising my hand over here!). I also think that a lot of people spend an exorbitant amount of energy trying to hide their weird-selves. Trying desperately to mute what makes them unique. Silencing their own brand of awesomeness, which would make them stand apart from the crowd. Stuffing down odd little passions and idiosyncrasies for fear they will be exposed as the weirdo they are.

In a way, violating parts of themselves for the sake of fitting into a mold society pretends to demand. In reality, society often celebrates the people bold enough to fly their freak flags; or, at a minimum people will recognize, give attention to, the people rockin’ their weird-selves.

We’ve been celebrating Madonna’s unique style, bold personality, and timely makeovers for decades. We gave ample attention to Lady Gaga’s meat hat (as a vegetarian, I was beyond grossed out). We wait with bated breath to see Johnny Weir’s next fashion-forward ensemble (Johnny, I adore you – but please STOP with the animal cruelty inherent in the fur industry!).

Men willing to don guyliner: hot AF (squirrel…)

In our own microcosm: we’ve all recognized the barista with the blue hair or the crazy-cat-man with his puss on a leash at the beach (coolcat-man in La Jolla, I’m nodding at you!).

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”

– Oscar Wilde

Confession: I’m a Big Weirdo.

Further Confessions of a Wondering Mind:

  • I love my cats so much I don’t mind that I am always covered in cat hair.Cats Collage
  • I have been obsessed with Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day since I was 11-years-old.
  • Reading Supreme Court opinions turns me on. I think the Constitution is sexy – talk Bill of Rights to me, and my heart in your hands, you will have.

Maybe society at large isn’t willing to celebrate what makes your weird little heart happy — but I promise there will be fellow-weirdos in your corner. Your Soul Family will fly their freaks flags right alongside yours! Time is a finite resource, so don’t waste time with vain attempts to hide or silence the awesome weirdness within! Be proud of what makes you unique. Stand out, be memorable. Fearlessly love what makes you happy. 

When she transformed into a butterfly, the caterpillars spoke not of her beauty, but of her weirdness. They wanted her to change back into what she always had been. But she had wings.” – Dean Jackson

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