
Month: November 2017 Page 1 of 3

30 Days of Gratitude – Day 30

I am grateful for these 30 Days of Gratitude posts… because being grateful is the magical ingredient to life. I’ve struggled the last few months―and in large part I had lost sight of my gratitude―for all that life is, for all we are. These posts helped me to reclaim a piece of it each day. Namaste-grateful.

I am grateful to the Universe for all that I am and for all that I have. I am grateful to all of my friends and family who love me and support me. I am grateful for my three beautiful cats (and Soc in heaven). I am grateful for ice skating, yoga, reading, writing, Lady Aurora Valentino, the various educational institutions who graduated me, yards o’ ale, 4 martini dinners, hot accents, hot tattoos, healed piercings, blue hair, Billie, one hell of a good time, and doing what makes for a better story.

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30 Days of Gratitude – Day 29

I am grateful for random, inspirational water bottles left behind at the yoga studio.
Go forth with all of your Awesomeness!

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30 Days of Gratitude – Day 28

I am grateful for Letting Go.

The perfect ponytail forever eludes me. And those perfect messy buns, too.

 “Like the perfect ponytail, let that shi*it go.”

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30 Days of Gratitude – Day 26

I am grateful that for the past four years I have kicked off Thanksgiving morning with a run through downtown San Diego (and a beer garden!).

A friend invited me into his 5K tradition, which morphed into our 10K tradition.
We run to honor the fact that we can. Health is a Blessing beyond all measure.

He graciously slows to my pace, peppily hopping alongside me as I struggle to propel my body forward for 6.2 miles. I may not ooze joy when the 5:30a.m. alarm chimes, or in mile 5 when my hips are angry, or when I cut left to retch after the finish line―but I am deeply grateful for these runs.

Provided we are both present and able to continue the 10K Thanksgiving Badassery in 2018: IN.

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30 Days of Gratitude – Day 25

I am grateful for the acts of kindness that help make life beautiful.


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30 Days of Gratitude – Day 23

I am grateful for Friendsgiving. We are a group of transplants, and it is a Blessing to break bread together on Thanksgiving Day.

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30 Days of Gratitude – Day 22

I am grateful for traditions.

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30 Days of Gratitude – Day 21

I am grateful for the tiniest of Plato snores.

It’s too much – I think I have to wake him and kiss his grey face off.

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30 Days of Gratitude – Day 20

I am grateful that 4 years ago today I passed ISI Delta, Gamma, and Freestyle 1 tests!

May the Adult Bronze Moves in the Field Skate Gods soon be with me!!

… because skating feeds my Soul.

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30 Days of Gratitude – Day 19

I am grateful for those moments of reprieve–when a broken, grief-stricken heart doesn’t hurt quite so much.

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