
Month: August 2016

It’s the Little Things

Moments of seeming insignificant create massive impact in our lives, on who we are.

In my experience it is the little things that have the most meaning. It is the little moments that become cherished memories.

We’re taught to cherish monumental experiences, like graduating, getting married, having a baby. While these big life experiences are remembered, even cherished, many of my most cherished memories, the moments that have profoundly affected me, changed me, touched me, did not occur on these monumental days.

Enjoy the little things in life because one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things.” 

– Kurt Vonnegut

Certainly, my wedding day stands out in my mind as special (for the record: my husband and I eloped – to a Maui beach, just us, an officiate with a guitar, his photographer wife, and a dozen rented doves).

PB & BK Wedding

But what really stands out in my mind is the chocolate ice cream cone that was melting in my then boyfriend’s (now husband’s) hand as we walked the beach discussing whether or not we should get married. It wasn’t romantic, but it was moving. There was something about that soft-brown melted ice cream dripping down his hand that broke my heart wide open. It was a moment when he looked so sweet (and he is), vulnerable, and like a person I would want to gaze in the same direction with for the rest of my life.

Love does not consist in gazing at each other,

but in looking outward together in the same direction.”

– Antoine de Saint-Exupery

When we argue, I don’t think back to our wedding day to remember why we’re together, I think back to that melted chocolate ice cream cone.

I have never been one to be particularly moved by flowers and dinner. A clichéd date-night-platitude doesn’t speak to who I am. I am however deeply moved by a little “Om” charm, that fits perfectly onto a Pandora bracelet, which had to be special ordered because Pandora doesn’t make a yoga-charm. This is a gesture that speaks to who I am and what I love. It demonstrates thoughtfulness, which is something I cherish and deeply appreciate. At first blush it may seem like a simple gift, but to me it was a huge demonstration of knowing who I am and what I appreciate.

I have never been one to feel particularly supported by a “good luck!” I am however deeply moved by a well-crafted “good luck” text that references an inside joke and/or a meme chosen specifically because the sender knew exactly what would bring a smile to my face (I’m nodding at you Grumpy Cat memes!).

I value the things that seem little, but are huge. I value thoughtfulness. I value being known, being seen, being understood by others.

“It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important.”

– Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Consider the “little things” in your life that are actually the big things. Maybe take a moment to send off a note of appreciation to a friend for a little act of thoughtfulness they gave to you (hand written notes always encouraged!). Your little note may touch them and become one of their cherished memories.

In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.”

– Khalil Gibran

But the effect of her being on those around her was incalculably diffusive: for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs.”

– George Eliot, Middlemarch

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Life Is Meant To Be Celebrated!

I never miss an opportunity to pop the bubbly! Though, there are many ways to celebrate life and all its badassery & awesomeness, sans booze!

Life Celebrated

Time is a finite resource.

I find myself saying this often. Our years, months, weeks, days… minutes are limited. Our moments are limited.

It may be easy to get caught up in the drudgery of everyday living. Sledging through nine-to-five and spending Sunday dreading Monday. Living for the weekend or your next planned vacation.

On the flip side: it may also be easy to get caught up in the extraordinary moments of everyday living.

First off, are there every any ordinary moments? There was a 1 in 400 trillion chance that you would be born, just as you are – in all your unique awesomeness (Mel Robins’ Ted Talk “How To Stop Screwing Yourself Over” is magnificent, cited portion starts at minute 7:00). We are literally made of stardust. Second, there are many things that deserve to be recognized, honored, celebrated.

Anyone who knows me knows I honor many “-iversary’s.” Some of these are difficult. Such as Angel Days (Anniversary date of a loved one’s passing). Some of these “iversary’s” are really quiet fun. I am always UP, DOWN, and IN to remember from whence I came and honor the journey.

-iversary Examples:

  • Skateivarsary, July 27th – the day I first took to the ice in 2011.
  • California-versary, August 3rd – the day Jaede (1 of 3 of my cats!) and I arrived in California after a 3-day journey across the country, 2005.
  • First-Date-iversary, August 25th – the first date with my now husband, each year we go back to that restaurant and honor the day we met.
  • Friendiversary, October 17th – a 4-martini dinner wherein a great friend and I first gushed to each other about how fond we had grown of one another.
  • Yogaversary, March 2nd – the day I first arrived on my yoga mat and adopted a regular yoga practice that endures to this day.

As you can see, there are many things to honor and celebrate! While I cherish the above dates, this does not preclude me from celebrating a random Tuesday.

Celebrating life’s-iversaries can mean popping a bottle of Dom Perignon White Gold Jeroboam (only $40,000!) or a bottle of Cook’s Brut (a staggering $5.99, on sale!). Though, celebrating life’s-iversaries can mean many other things as well. It can mean honoring a special day by spending a few moments thinking about all the amazing things that have happened since that faitful day “x” years ago. It can be as simply as laughing with a friend as you share a fond memory of the -iversary. A Yogaversary can be celebrated by rolling your mat out with a friend. A Friendiversary can be celebrated over a cup o’joe and shared laughter (or a re-creation of the 4-martini dinner, I’m not judging!).

Let us not forget all the totally made up Faux-Holidays! Why not celebrate a few of those? Personally, I’m not jumping on board for National Donut Day (first Friday in June, you’re welcome). But I’m all over National Friendship Day (first Sunday in August in the US). That day was an opportunity to send fun memes to my cousin/best friend/sister I am glad I never had.


… but seriously, #TRUTH

Life is short. Time is finite. Honor Life’s beautiful moments and the memories you cherish. Honor those. Celebrate your life. Celebrate accomplishments – in all ranges. Celebrate accomplishments from “I passed the bar!” to “I got out of bed and sort-of adulted today!

Life is meant to be celebrated. In all your stardust glory, celebrate!

On particularly rough days when I’m sure I can’t possibly endure, I like to remind myself that my track record for getting through bad days so far is 100%… and that’s pretty good.”

– Unknown

Life is a sexually transmitted disease and the mortality rate is one hundred percent.”

– R. D. Laing

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Build Others Up

Sometimes it seems we live in a world where high school never ends. Sh*it talking and gossip is the office-water-cooler talk. It is easy to tear others down, to judge, to scoff, to point out everything that is “wrong” with them. And boy can it be fun to hate on thy neighbor.

But being mean and judgmental doesn’t feel good.

It doesn’t take a talent to be mean,
Your words can crush things that are unseen

– Jewel, “I’m Sensitive

It feels good to build others up. It feels good to be nice and kind.

We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.”

– Lucretius, Roman Poet & Philosopher 99-55 BC

So let us hold one another up, build one another up, pull one another up. Pointing out positive attributes in others is intuitive. Living from a place of kindness is natural.

I invite you to try an exercise! I’m coining it the…


I commit to giving sincere and heartfelt compliments to the people I come into contact with.

 What to compliment, you ask?

Compliment a stranger’s cool t-shirt, a neighbors perfectly manicured lawn, a colleagues cubical décor.

Other awesome-sauce things to compliment:

  • Effort (trying, putting forth effort, that is what matters!)
  • Tenacity
  • Commitment to a cause
  • Grit
  • Cool tattoos
  • Adorable dog
  • Courage (especially for those who face their fears head-on!)

Speak from the heart. Genuine compliments will be received as such.

Generally avoid complimenting solely based on appearance: beauty is so much more than our physical appearances, we are so much more than our appearance. Always avoid being creepy (sage advice, I know!).

Make it a point to build others up, not tear them down. Let’s commit to helping each other RISE up, and stop slapping each other down. Make the Compliment Commitment. You and the world will be more beautiful for it.

Perhaps the world little notes nor long remembers individual acts of kindness, but people do.”

– Herm Albright, Author

Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bit of good put together that overwhelm the world.”

– Desmond Tutu

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Fearlessly Love What Makes You Happy

Celebrate your weird self. Fearlessly love what makes you happy. It is what makes you memorable.

Weird Heart Happy

I think we’re all a little weird. Some of us are a lot weird (frantically raising my hand over here!). I also think that a lot of people spend an exorbitant amount of energy trying to hide their weird-selves. Trying desperately to mute what makes them unique. Silencing their own brand of awesomeness, which would make them stand apart from the crowd. Stuffing down odd little passions and idiosyncrasies for fear they will be exposed as the weirdo they are.

In a way, violating parts of themselves for the sake of fitting into a mold society pretends to demand. In reality, society often celebrates the people bold enough to fly their freak flags; or, at a minimum people will recognize, give attention to, the people rockin’ their weird-selves.

We’ve been celebrating Madonna’s unique style, bold personality, and timely makeovers for decades. We gave ample attention to Lady Gaga’s meat hat (as a vegetarian, I was beyond grossed out). We wait with bated breath to see Johnny Weir’s next fashion-forward ensemble (Johnny, I adore you – but please STOP with the animal cruelty inherent in the fur industry!).

Men willing to don guyliner: hot AF (squirrel…)

In our own microcosm: we’ve all recognized the barista with the blue hair or the crazy-cat-man with his puss on a leash at the beach (coolcat-man in La Jolla, I’m nodding at you!).

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”

– Oscar Wilde

Confession: I’m a Big Weirdo.

Further Confessions of a Wondering Mind:

  • I love my cats so much I don’t mind that I am always covered in cat hair.Cats Collage
  • I have been obsessed with Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day since I was 11-years-old.
  • Reading Supreme Court opinions turns me on. I think the Constitution is sexy – talk Bill of Rights to me, and my heart in your hands, you will have.

Maybe society at large isn’t willing to celebrate what makes your weird little heart happy — but I promise there will be fellow-weirdos in your corner. Your Soul Family will fly their freaks flags right alongside yours! Time is a finite resource, so don’t waste time with vain attempts to hide or silence the awesome weirdness within! Be proud of what makes you unique. Stand out, be memorable. Fearlessly love what makes you happy. 

When she transformed into a butterfly, the caterpillars spoke not of her beauty, but of her weirdness. They wanted her to change back into what she always had been. But she had wings.” – Dean Jackson

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You Are Being Judged All Of The Time – Be You, Do What You Want, Give Them Something Real and Worthwhile To Judge!

Recently I felt subject to a lot of judgment, some of it rather hash. People talk, and words have a way of making their rounds. I knew in my heart that it wasn’t personal. Those people were having their own life experience, thinking the thoughts they were going to think, saying the things they were going to say. I don’t have control over that – of course, I do have control over how I choose to react. I had not felt so judged in a long time. I wasn’t really sure what to do with it.

I was beginning something new. So, I felt exposed and being met with judgment was exacerbating that rawness. Part of me felt unfairly treated, another part of me clung to the “it’s not personal” mantra. Part of me was hurt, part of me ponied up the ever-handy “Zero Fu*cks Given” mantra.

I pondered how I could show up in a way to ease the judgments. What could I say or do to smooth things out? What could I say or do to not be the subject of ridicule? What could I say or do to not be having such a shitty experience?

The Universe Sent Sage Words of Wisdom: it didn’t matter what I did or didn’t do, I was going to be judged regardless. I realized if it wasn’t X, then is was going to be Y. If people want to judge, or shit talk, or throw flack your way, they’ll find a reason – or create a reason. It’s always going to be something. Always.

So, you are going to be subject to judgment anyway — you may as well go forth with your bad self, your weird self! You may as well do it your way!

Play the weird music in your yoga class, tell the kids you love unicorns too, drive by your Rockstar-Crush’s house (a drive by or two isn’t technically stalkingalways check the local penal code), wear your cat’s hair all over your clothing like the fucking glitter that it is, take yourself to a movie, squeal with delight out of sheer joy. Do the shit you want to do.

To be certain – we are all being judged, all of the time. So, take a chance on authentic living, really be yourself, and let’s give each other something fun, something real, something raw to judge.

“Rebellion is when you look society in the face and say ‘I understand who you want me to be, but I am going to show you who I actually am.'” 

– Anthony Anexagorou

The world judges me by the decisions I make, never does it see the options I had to choose from.” 

– Unknown

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