
Month: July 2016

Fear of Exposure, Fear of Being Seen, Fear of Being Known

… because one near-debilitating fear isn’t enough. 

It’s scary to put yourself out there. It’s scary to step up, step in. It’s vulnerable and raw.

Think of a time when you felt totally exposed, out of your element, and so far out of your comfort zone you couldn’t even see the zone’s edge… got that memory?

How did you really feel? Afraid, sure… but did you also feel excitement? Anxiety, sure… but did you also feel anticipation – even a knowing that something big was happening.

You were playing a bigger game.

Was it worth it? Abso-fu*cking-lutely!

Your need for acceptance can make you invisible to this world. Risk being seen in all of your glory.” – Jim Carrey

Did you fall on flat on your face? I have! I’m a figure skater – I mean this figuratively and literally. Well, I’ve heard it said that failure builds character. You didn’t die. Maybe you even learned some new skills in nursing a battered ego back to health.

Or, did you totally fu*cking rock it? I have! I’ve done things that really really scared me. Mind you, I have a bit of a “panic disorder” (so the doctor says), so I “manage” what he calls “generalized anxiety.” I don’t let this stop me or hold me back. I also don’t let me hold me back… and I certainly don’t let naysayers hold me back.

Get out of your own way. Get rid of people who don’t support you. I’m not saying this is easy: I’m saying it is worth it.

Here’s the deal: everyone is going to have an opinion about you. Everyone is going to judge you. Opinions are formed and judgments are made regardless of what you do — so you may as well do whatever the hell you want. Uplevel yourself. Uplevel some aspect of your life. Don’t play it safe, take risks, and bet on yourself.

Here’s the other deal: your work or your message isn’t going to be for everyone. You will have critics. If you’re doing something worthwhile, if you’re standing for anything – hell, if you’re being your authentic self – you’ll have critics. But you’ll have fans and supporters, too. The critics are not the ones who count. Hope for their highest good, and let that sh*it go.

If you aren’t in the arena also getting your ass kicked, I’m not interested in your feedback.” – Brené Brown

When you’re making a big, bold move… consider that it’s probably meant to be. You’re likely serving the people you’re meant to serve. Guiding the people you’re meant to guide. Serving as an inspiration to the people who need inspiring.  Perhaps you’re a messenger (maybe with a critic or two popping off rounds in your general direction). It’s worth it for the cause.

You started playing this bigger game for a reason. Keep going. Stay the course. Do it alongside the fear of exposure, of being seen, of being known… judgments are a given, fear is a given, but courage — courage is a choice. Be brave. Keep going.

To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.” – Joseph Chilton Pearce

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.”

– Theodore Roosevelt

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Find Your People, Your Soul Tribe

Humans crave connection, to be heard, to be understood. What we really want, what we need, is to know someone else will go to the nines for us, will throw down, will show up. This kind of connection isn’t easy to find.

I am speaking to something greater than mere lovers, and something beyond mere blood ties. While some are blessed enough to find their people among family members or in a lover, not all are so fortunate. Indeed, not all are so fortunate to find their people at all.

I am speaking to those rare human bonds of Soul-level connection. They’re the people who come along and change you as a person – for the better. The people who you lose track of time with, who make you laugh, who get your inner-weird, who celebrate (and often share, or at least happily tolerate) your idiosyncrasies.

Beyond the joy your people bring, they remember not just your birthday, but the anniversary-dates of when you lost loves ones. They hold your hand and wipe both your figurative and literal tears.

You can tell when you’re with a person who is “your people,” because your vibration will be elevated and you’ll feel more alive. It’s a connection that ignites that spark of life. It Sources you.

I’ve been blessed to have found a few of “my people” over the years. I call these people my Soul Tribe and my Soul Family. I consider it a blessing that I can count these people on more than one hand, though it is still less than two.

A sage adage claims that people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Some of my Soul Tribe were lovers or friends who were simply not meant for a lifetime. This doesn’t mean the connection was not real, or that the connection was not important.

Lack of longevity does not call into question the validity of someone’s contribution to your life, or yours to theirs. Give gratitude for all that was brought into your life and honor what once was.

When people you’re really connected with exit your life, trust that the Universe will guide you to new people, to members of your Soul Family you have not yet met. Hold yourself open for new connections. Remember that friendships can be forged in the most unusual ways, in the most unlikely places, between the most implausible of comrades.

Find your people, because each of them completes a part of you, and you a part of them.

Jenni & Amy

I love us!”

– Jenni & Amy’s Declaration

You’re my person.”

– Grey’s Anatomy, Meredith & Christina’s Motto 

My dad said to me growing up:

‘When all is said and done, if you can count all your true friends on one hand, you’re a lucky man.”

– Josh Charles

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People Who Choose Bravery Tend To Choose Each Other

Those who make big, bold moves tend to surround themselves with people who do the same. Fellow soul-shakers & dream chasers. Kindred spirits to the call of the road less traveled.

Bravery often demands growth; growth often demands bravery. When you choose to grow, not everyone will choose to grow with you. Not everyone will welcome or accept your growth. Some may even rally against it.

Maybe you don’t even choose growth, but life chooses it for you. Some things far beyond our control can fling us right over that well-worn cliff of comfort — right over the edge where we will undoubtedly land on our feet, or learn how to fly.

It’s hard when choices and changes create chasms between ourselves and the people we love. At times the cost of personal growth may feel unreasonably high, but your soul knows the cost of stagnation would prove higher.

Sharing a deep familial bond or close friendship at one time, does not mean it must remain so. Love does not mean we must remain close. We can love deeply, even profoundly, from a distance.

The people who remain by our side through choices, changes, and growth, are usually the ones who have the courage to change too. They too are brave. They’re our sparkly gems who not only know how to stand beside us — but will grab our hand and jump right over the cliff’s edge with us. Comfort zone’s be damned, we want to live where the magic happens.


When you walk to the edge of all the light you have
and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown,
you must believe that one of two things will happen:

There will be something solid for you to stand upon,
or, you will be taught how to fly.

– Patrick Overton

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” – Helen Keller

You will either step forward into growth, or you will step backward into safety.” – Abraham Maslow


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Celebrating The Brave Souls Journeying The Road Less Traveled

A toast to those going against the grain!

Society’s cookie-cutter approach to the Stages of Life are a one-sized fits all solution that may not even fit most. Marriage isn’t for everyone. The predictable, stable 9 to 5 may not add up to happiness. Raising healthy, well-adjusted children certainly isn’t a task everyone is equipped for. Assembly line K-12, plus 4-years, doesn’t address the needs or abilities of all.

The people who are not the shape of “one size fits all” are not celebrated. In fact, I argue they are feared. Further, people trying to forge their own path are met with resistance, judgment, naysayers — everything that isn’t support. Only if/when a rebel becomes wildly successful does the support and celebration follow. It is easy to applaud J.K Rowling’s $1 billion dollar net worth and status as the world’s richest author. But how easy is it to applaud the unemployed, single-mother drafting a novel by hand in an Edinburgh tea & coffee house?

The road less traveled may not have much traffic, but it isn’t paved. Journeying into the unknown is scary, especially sans support.

People tend to cling to the cookie-cutter ideals, and they want others to do the same. It makes them uncomfortable when someone doesn’t want to conform. As if the person going against the grain calls their own choices into question. The brave soul who forges their own path shows the “what could be,” and maybe people are afraid to take a look at that.

Study after study of elderly people nearing death teach us that the most common regret people have at the end of life is that they did not live the life they wanted to live, but instead lived the life they thought they “should” live, the life they thought others expected of them.

To thine own self be true…

– William Shakespeare

To those who examined the choices, who know what makes their heart sing, who discovered that they are the “all” for the “one-size,” more power to you! You’re not a cookie-cutter conformists. I celebrate you, your white picket fence, 2.5 children, and employer-matched 401(k).

To those brave souls enduring those first shaky steps on the road less traveled — I celebrate you! To those round pegs who boldly rejected the square holes, and have found joy and success (however you define success) — I celebrate you!

To the Kindred Spirits answering the call of the road less traveled — I raise a glass to you!

Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

– Apple’s “Here’s To The Crazy Ones” Ad Campaign, Steve Jobs

A guy walks up to me and asks, ‘what’s punk?’ So I kick over a garbage can and say, ‘that’s punk!’ So he kicks over the garbage can and says, “that’s punk?’

and I say, ‘no, that’s trendy!

– Billie Joe Armstrong

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