
Month: February 2016

What We Do Matters.

Have you ever snapped out of a long, focused, productive work session and wondered “what the hell am I doing?” Wondering what the hell you’re working toward, wondering if the blood, sweat, and literal tears are making a difference at all.

I’ve had more of these moments than I care to lament over. Fortunately it often worked out that just as I was ready to tell the world to go fu*ck itself (in a kind, diplomatic way of course, sans the use of curse words), someone would step forward with words of gratitude and a “thank you for the work you do.”

In those moments I was empowered to move beyond the questioning, past the frustration, and rest resolute in the meaning in my work. Content with positively affecting the life of one person: because one person is enough.

On a day-to-day basis we may not be changing the entire world, but we can and do change a small part of it. Stay the course, because what we do matters. Shine brightly, because someone needs your light.

One starfish at a time…

The Starfish Story

Once upon a time, there was an old man who used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach every morning before he began his work. Early one morning, he was walking along the shore after a big storm had passed and found the vast beach littered with starfish as far as the eye could see, stretching in both directions.

Off in the distance, the old man noticed a small boy approaching. As the boy walked, he paused every so often and as he grew closer, the man could see that he was occasionally bending down to pick up an object and throw it into the sea. The boy came closer still and the man called out, “Good morning! May I ask what it is that you are doing?”

The young boy paused, looked up, and replied “Throwing starfish into the ocean. The tide has washed them up onto the beach and they can’t return to the sea by themselves,” the youth replied. “When the sun gets high, they will die, unless I throw them back into the water.”

The old man replied, “But there must be tens of thousands of starfish on this beach. I’m afraid you won’t really be able to make much of a difference.”

The boy bent down, picked up yet another starfish and threw it as far she could into the ocean. Then he turned, smiled and said, “It made a difference to that one!” – adapted from The Star Thrower, by Loren Eiseley

You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”

– Jane Goodall

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On Letting It Burn

The only constant is change.” – Heraclitus

Life changes. Some changes are small, incremental, barely noticeable until 20/20 hindsight kicks in. Some changes are huge, life-altering… monumental, holy sh*it this is a wild ride kind of monumental.

Ready or not, here it comes: a big fat fire set in the middle of your life. You know the kind of fire I am talking about — so rapid and bright that you don’t have time to consider if the fast-paced changes are good or bad, or so smoky you can barely breath, or so hot that your skin could crawl right off of your body.

Sometimes we set the fire ourselves, other times the fire is set for us. I think the human instinct, ever focused on survival, is to frantically douse water on the flames. If not to stop the fire, at least to mitigate the damage. In many situations that is probably the best course of action.

However, maybe there are times when letting it all burn is right. Hell, maybe some fires should be fueled.

It is easy to get stuck. To continually compromise. To stay. To stick with something – a job, a situation, a person, notions of the self – out of fear, obligation, complacency. Or, an unwillingness to throw in the towel, the steadfast refusal to declare “I quit.”

At times what once worked for us, what served us, is no longer right. And that is okay. If it isn’t right, consider letting it go – letting it burn… right down to the foundation. This doesn’t feel right is the only explanation necessary. Within you is the Power & Permission to walk away. The human spirit can rebuild damn near anything. Rebuild it better, stronger, exactly the way you want it.

Simply put: sometimes you just have to Move the Fu*ck On.

Sometimes you have to get a little messed up before you can step up.”  – Grey’s Anatomy, Dr. Alex Karev

We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”  – Joseph Campbell

People look at you strange, say ‘you changed,’ as if you worked that hard to stay the same.”  – Jay Z

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